Project Management System
Human Resource
- Add/update Employee by Department,Designation and job position, Generate Employee Identification Code,generate username and password.
- Update employee personal details,employee contact details,employee emergency details,employee job history,employee salary,employee reporting person,employee quqlification and employee bank information and employee immigration.
- Search employee by name,mobile no,email,father/husband name,address,city,state,country,PAN number and date of birth etc.
- Generate employee report by job position,department,designation,between dates.
- Generate employee report for PAN NO.,Mobile no,Address ,date of birth,Account,PF no.,ESI no,Emergency contact,Job History and Reporting Person.
- Generate employee report for joining letter,Bio-Data,Expericence Certificate and Resignation Letter.
- Add/update employee attendance daily or monthly,import employee daily or monthly attendance from bio-matrix machine or excel file.
- Finalize employee monthly attendance and process for salary generation.
- Search and generate attendance reportby employee wise,department wise,designation wise or month wise.
- Add/update employee salary,allowance,deduction,bonus and arrears.
- Process employee monthly salary,finalize monthly salary.
- Search and generate salary report department,designation,month and employee wise.
- Generate deduction report,ESI/PF/ITAX report bonus report,arrears report and loan/advance report.
- Generate employee salary report month wise,bank wise,between date wise.
- Generate salary slip employee wise,salary summary report.
- Add/update employee KRA,generate average for appraisal,review employee for appraisal.
- Update employee record as per appraisal status,update employee job position,update employee designation and update employee salary.
- Generate report employee wise,department,designation and job position wise.
- Employee job history,employee salary history,reporting person history etc.
- Add/update employee resignation data,approval from all departments,leave,salary,assets handover,employee contact after resignation,proper reason for resignation
- Search and generate employee resignation report,department wise report,designation wise report, job position wise report and monthly/year wise report.
Project Management
- Add/update company/client information ,company legal information,contact person information and generate Report Company Wise.
- Add/update Tender information,tender purchase amount tracking,tender status(Submitted,Pending or Cancle),tender submission,EMD tracking submitted with tender,negoiation history and total expense tracking on each tender.
- Search Tender company wise,name wise ,value wise, status(Submitted,Pending or Cancle) and between date/month/year wise.
- Budgeting,forecasting,allocation and utilization of fund.
- Tender purchase report company wise ,value wise, tender purchase between date/month/year wise,tender purchase cost company wise,tender purchase between date/month/year wise.
- EMD tracking company wise, project wise, between date/month/year wise,EMD returningbamount tracking.
- Add/update project information by type(direct,referral,by Tender),time estimation on project,manpower planing on project,assign project to project manager/TL/Employee,project starting date and end date tracking.
- Serach projech by company ,status(Running,Hold,Closed,Cancle),expense tracking on each project,EMD tracking for each project.
- Search project activity by project,status(Completed,Running,Hold,Delay).
- Project progress report , project expense report.
- Daily /weekly/monthly timesheet uploaded by project Manager/TL?Employee,timesheet approval.
- Timesheet approval by Authorized person, timesheet approval status(Approved,Pending,Rejected),timesheet report,search timesheet by employee,project and project activity.
- Timesheet report uploaded employee wise,project wise,project activity wise.
- Employee report hours spent on project and activity.
Project Billing
- Add/update project billing terms, raised bill/invoice against project billing terms, payment collection summary, balance payment tracking, next due bill reminder as per terms and depending on completion of work.
- Search terms by project, status(Received(%) ,Bill Raised,Pending),generate report of bill/invoice by company wise,project wise,payment collection summary project and company wise,pending payment summary project and company wise.
Manage Request
- Manage tour request , leave request,loan/Advance request,cab request and stationary request by employee,request approval by authorised person.
- Tracking all type of request raised by PM?TL?Employee,payment tracking against Tour,Loan/Advance and stationary.
- Cost fixation on Boarding, Travelling and meals city wise ,tour expense claim tracking.
- Search request employee wise , between date,tour tracking city wise,tour tracking city wise,expense on tour, loan/advance payment tracking and generate reports
- Requisition from department,requisition Approval,Generate Enquiry against requisition,direct enquiry,add/update quotation and compare quotation.
- P.O against quottation,P.O against requisition, direct P.O,casing P.O,Modify P.O,Modify P.O with multiple due date,P.O with schedule,change expired P.O status,close P.O,canclw P.O,view/update status and P.O Approval.
- Purchase against requisition,purchase against quotqtion,add/update P.O,Item stock wise report,Material receive note,issue request report,issue request date wise,material issue,modify purchase ledger.
- Good delivery note,GDN Approval,close GDN,GDN detail report and manage supplier complaint and detailed complaint report.
- Controlling inflow-outflow of fund.
- Conciliation of cash in hand and bank account.
- All type of accounts books , journals,ledgers,trial balance and balance sheet.
- Budgeting,forecasting,allocation and utilization of fund.
- Tax calculation,exemptions,debit/credit noted ,bill processing and group insurance.